“Girl quits her job on dry erase board, emails the entire office (33 photos)” has been described to be a hoax and the identity of the girl has been revealed. It’s creators John and Leo Resig have revealed the identity of the dry erase girl. The girl is the aspiring actress Elyse Porterfield who is 22 years old and is new to Los Angeles to pursue her acting carrier.
Porterfield responded to an advertisement published in the newspaper looking for a model for the website www.chive.com. Google has clarified that Chive gets around 5.6 million unique visitors every month and hence is a quite popular website. The website is a part of one of the viral websites published by the two brothers Leo and John Resig. These brothers have got a strong history of making Internet hoaxes and are quite famous for such activities.
Some of their infamous Internet hoaxes which created a storm in the circle include $10,000 “Donald Trump tip” and “virgin text messages her dad that she lost her virginity.” Both of these hoaxes got widespread coverage in the media and the two brothers have been brought to Fox News, Gawker and Jay Leno.
Porterfield has said that when she went for the shooting, she thought something great must be coming up in the way when she was asked to hold a dry erase board. The actress was little known as she was once compared with Angelina Jolie by the People Magazine. She has also performed many plays in the college theater troupe. She was quite unknown to the term HOPA at the time of shooting.
The idea of Dry Erase Girl came in the minds of the brothers about one month back at a bar in California and they jotted down everything on a piece of napkin including the meaning of HOPA. The full form means Hot Pieces of Ass and the brothers feel that everybody wants to quit their job just like that. They posted the image of Porterfield holding the dry erase board in the website and see the traffic growing rapidly into the website.