Jeff Foster is a freelance writer and has done his graduation in Mathematics. He loves writing and reading about the recent events in the social media. He has been working as a freelance writer for the last four years. He has got special interest in politics of the Western world. He is a very special member of the News365Today’s Editorial team.
Europe News

Poundshop War On BBC Tonight

All eyes will be on the television today at 8 PM when the conclusion of current series of Pound Shop wars is going to come to an end. The One pound shop has organized a competition which was held among the rival shop chains of the online store operating on the high streets across the […]

Asia News

North Korea Crisis Reaches Extreme As UN Panel Accuses Of Crime Against Humanity

Violation of human rights, suppression of human rights and freedom, torture and encroachment on the liberty of people’s activity has been concerning issues ever since time immemorial. This time it was North Korea who was under the scanner of the United Nation’s panel, which has found the nation guilty of violation of such buffers to […]


Sourav Ganguly Plans For Autobiography

It is another morning but that awakens with the fresh smile of Sourav Ganguly’s 41 years birthday celebration, just like any other special day this day is also important because Sourav Ganguly has decided to pen his autobiography of his rise and struggle for survival then his controversy and finally his retirements. He has planned […]

Africa News

Rising Uproar on Presidents Mohamed Morsi Rejection of Egyptian Army’s Ultimatum

It has been reported that President Mohamed Morsi has deliberately rejected the dictate of Egyptian army that would eventually force a crisis on political regime as most of his cabinet ministers have accepted the resignations. It has naturally crippled the paradigm of Egyptian economy and created 48 hrs long deadlines in the multifaceted disciplinary actions […]

pre-GSCE maths

Plants Do Maths To Control Their Food Supplies

UK scientists have been conducting research which shows that plants actually conduct a mathematical calculation when they cannot make food during the night and hence the use their starch reserves. The scientists have been studying the plant called Arabidopsis and they are astonished and amazed at how the biological system of plants is undertaking such […]