Jeff Foster is a freelance writer and has done his graduation in Mathematics. He loves writing and reading about the recent events in the social media. He has been working as a freelance writer for the last four years. He has got special interest in politics of the Western world. He is a very special member of the News365Today’s Editorial team.

Jackie Robinson – Symbol of Victory Against Racism

April 15, 1947 was Jackie Robinson’s date with destiny that made him a legend in Baseball forever. Today Major League Baseball (MLB) commemorates the 64th anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s debut in a Baseball game with Brooklyn Dodgers. Another significant achievement was that a black was playing in the MLB for the very first time.


What Is So Amazing In The 17 Day Diet?

Have you heard about the revolutionary 17 day diet that has created quite a stir for being effective, safe and quick in helping to lose weight? Created by Dr. Mike Moreno this program is actually geared towards changing the eating habits every 17 days to ensure that the body gets used to a change in […]