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Opposition warns Of Rigging in the Uganda Elections
Uganda elections will take place this Friday and the reigning President of the country for thirty years, is expected to get another victory. The ruling President Museveni, is expected to win the electoral battle. Incidentally, Museveni is considered to be an US ally.
Want Happiness In Life? Stay Focused
If your mind is under your full control and you can stop being restless, then it imply that you are living a happy life. Recently a study has revealed this amazing fact that mental focus is a key to happy and successful living. Human brain being significantly different from animals tends to wander. In fact […]
What Is Sex In Terms Of The Holy Bible
The Bible has long been a matter of great dispute as far as its views on sex are concerned. The Song of Solomon in the Bible can be considered as an ode to sexual desires as it was composed even 1200 years before the birth of Lord Jesus.