Have you ever heard of the link between low education and the risk of a cardiac arrest? Well, a research fellow of the Australian National University, Rosemary Korda, gives an insight into this disturbing but vivid finding. For establishing the link between risk of cardiovascular diseases, like cases of heart attack and stroke, and one’s […]
Latest Updates On Health & Medical Science

Harmful Toxins Found In Toothpaste And Soaps
Amazed? Unfortunately, it’s true. Toxics Link an NGO working amidst environmental issues based at New Delhi has come up with up a report which is outrageous. Triclosan, a harmful chemical which is proved to cause an imbalance in the hormonal system, is very commonly used in our households. It can cause hepatic disorders, mental trauma […]
Failure In Heart Attack Care Is Leading To Thousands Of Deaths In UK
Negligence in taking care of patients who have suffered from a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functioning especially coronary thrombosis is the main cause of thousands of deaths of human beings. As per the analysis was done by the researchers of Leeds University 33,000 deaths could have been prevented over a span of ten […]
Teenage Obesity Can Kill You In Mid-life
Obesity is one of the most common concern in parents in different parts of the world. According to the recent study, you can predict the cardiovascular death in adulthood with the help of BMI of teenagers. Jeremy Kark who is from Hebrew university along with Dr. Gilad twig from Sheba medical center, Dr. Hagai Levine […]
Know the stroke and it’s warning signs
Stroke is an out of the blue disease which may cause an acute damage to your body. Sometimes you may feel a simple headache and may put your working stress responsible for it, but have you ever thought what will happen if this headache is not that simple? A stroke may be silently attacking you, but […]
Research Shows Vitamin C Can Replace Your Daily Exercise
Recent studies have again proved that intake of vitamin C has a great advantage towards our body. It can be compared with the regular exercise for the overweight and obese people in terms of cardiovascular benefits. According to the new research conducted by the University of Colorado, having vitamin C on a regular basis can […]
Vitamin D Can Have Bad Effect On Teens
The latest medical researches and observations have shown that excessive vitamin D intake might increase the cholesterol level among the obese children. Researches also have indicated that the vitamin D supplements have very limited benefits over the obese teens and it could bring some unintended consequences over them. Seema Kumar, who is a pediatric endocrinologist […]
Sex in Later Life- A Key To Psychological Stability
Many people feel uneasy while talking about sex. However, one must realize it is not a piece of fantasy, instead a great necessity for life. Many people, especially elderly couples regret on the lack of sex in later life. It is understandable that the sexual pleasure or the bodily desire dries up in the later […]
What Your Sleeping Position Says About You?
Scientists are in favor of saying that your sleeping positions can say a lot about you. Robert Phipps, a UK based body language expert analyzed the results of a survey taken by a British hotel chain on preferred sleeping positions, while another research undertaken by Dr. Chris Idzikowski of Edinburg Sleep Centre also included 1,000+subjects […]
Homeopathy Researchers Claiming Snake Venom Can Cure HIV
The rapid spread of HIV virus, and controlling it has been a great challenge in the medical field for the last few decades! But with the success of new studies a ray of hope can be seen. Recent advancements in this field by the researchers of the JSPS Government Homeopathic Medical College, Hyderabad, and the […]
Several Health benefits Of Sex
Recent researches are in favor of saying that there are unending health benefits of making love. Sex leaves a positive impact on health and mind. Let’s look at the various health benefits of sex: Boosts your immune system: People who are indulged in sex almost regularly, have better immune system and defend the body against […]
More Women Die Out Of Lung Cancer Than Men
Cancer is spreading like an epidemic, mainly found in developing countries affecting men and women today in larger scale. This particular disease not only affects our immune system but it slowly kills us spreading rapidly within. Only early detection and proper medication increases the chances of survival with this disease. New researches conducted throughout various […]
Careful About Sleep After Your Divorce
If you have gone through a divorce and find it difficult to sleep at night, please be careful. The researchers have said that it will lead to more blood pressure and that may lead to early death. Research done at the University of Arizona revealed that during the earlier days of divorce, sleep related issues […]
Depression Is Rising More Among Women Than Men
Depression is on the rise among Asian women, according to a survey by World Health Organization (WHO). Psychologists feel that it is like common cold that comes and goes from time to time and a person will have it once in their life at least. Surprisingly, depression can be cured easily but most of the […]
Artificial Sweeteners Causes Several Damages To Human Body
Earlier it has been proven that exaggerated amount of sweet is not good for health as it reduces the metabolism rate of the body and creates severe damages to the various organs of our body. Especially it is not at all good for the blood circulation. And now according to the immunologists at a science […]
At Old Age, Playing Computer Games Can Reduce Depression
In a case study of 11 older patients, researchers has come up with a fact that playing computer games can be highly effective in reducing symptoms of depression. It was seen that those playing the games achieved good results in just four weeks, whereas it generally takes twelve weeks with antidepressant drug escitalopram. According to […]
Television After Work Is Actually Less Relaxing
Practically a major section of the population retorts to a television set after their day’s business. Interestingly though, this practise is now strongly refuted by scientist, who after studying many cases have concluded that watching TV after work makes the person less relaxed and a sense of guilt consciousness arise in the respective person’s mind. […]
Couples Losing Virginity Now Had Much Better Experience Than Those 20 Years Ago
It has been reported that sex between men and women has become increasingly satisfying in the present age. A survey has brought out the fact that people losing their virginity 20-30 years ago had a more difficult experience. Although the maximum pleasure was received by men, they also received maximum anxiety. For women, it was […]
Women Find Men Above 40 Less Appealing
Every man wants to maintain his sex appeal among women members for as long as possible. Do not feel sad if you have reached the age of 39. A recent survey conducted by the UK doctors has revealed that men after reaching the age of 39 start losing their sex appeal among the members of […]
One Out Of Twelve Is Clinically Obese In UK
The UK women are fattest in Western Europe with nearly 1 in 12 proved to be clinically obese. The researchers at weight levels in 188 countries found that more than half of the planets obese people live in just 10 countries. In UK nearly 8% of women aged under 20 are obese while 29.2 % […]