DOT the (department of Telecommunication) have issued a legal notice to Bharti Airtel and have imposed Rs. 650 crore for breach of subscriber norms related to the violation of license agreement of roaming services. Irrespective of the regulation norms being violated during the years 2003 and 2005 no legal charges have been imposed so far and it had crept into the disappointment for the Telecom department.
The following procedure has been monitored by the senior judiciary or the head of the department so any misconduct or breach of code of conduct could entail legal notices from the superior authority in position. One of the main reasons of this heads on is that Bharti Airtel is allowing its subscribers to make local calls from Mumbai to Delhi number when he is in roaming on the other hand this is completely the ISD call charges that’s made local on the advantages of their customers. This has eventually resulted in the anguish amongst the department officials who has raised the demand of strict supervision and judicial actions.
The strict disciplinarian actions is supposedly to be undertaken if found guilty since DOT officials and Communication & IT minister Kapil Sibal has raised an alarm on the misconduct of Bharti Airtel and threatened to penalize them financially.