You will be surprised to know that there are some wonderful websites which can help you in making your online bill pay. You may be too much busy with your office work and hence forget the date and amount of different utility and other bills which you are scheduled to pay every month.
The biggest advantage of this software is that you can very simply download it to your mobile or iPad. Before making the payment, the software will also allow you to know the amount of the bill that the service provider is expected to pay. You can give stop payment instructions if you find anything indiscriminate in the amount of the bill.
Some of these websites will also provide you with the facility of using your credit card. The website will keep all your account information secret and nobody except you will be able to get access to that information.
After downloading the software in your mobile or iPad, you can add your account as the process is quite simple. If you feel any threat, you can change your username and password quite easily. You can simply leave your online bill payments to them and concentrate on your office work for further growth in life.