Best Buy, which is known for its amazing deals on consumer electronics goods, again sets the market by storm. No matter how pricey the item is, if you come to Best Buy stores, there must be something which will surely grab your interests. This time people are stunned with the news of 8GB 8GB iPhone 3GS which you can get absolutely FREE!! Best Buy is offering their customers on the spot rebate on December 10 that will shrink the price of the smartphone to… zero. Yes, you heard right. Initially the deal was available for one day, and is applicable for new customers, existing customers who want supplementary lines, as well as people who are eligible for an upgraded version from former iPhone. To get the opportunity customers just need to sign up for a 2-year contract during the purchase.
All stores in fact have a good collection of the phones readily available for the promotion. It also seems to be in line with AT&T’s declared plan of acquiring as many iPhone users registered by the end of 2010 where the special deal with Apple will end during 2011. The normal Best Buy price for the iPhone 3GS is $99, according to the price set by both Apple and AT&T stores.
Then what are you waiting for. Prhaps thisis the right time to gift your girlfriend a free iPhone 3G. Just make sure that your girl friend doesn’t aware of the deal yet. And rush to your nearest Best Buy store today.