
Hamburgers Made At Labs Now Save Livestock

Producing cultured meat was recent concern that could have solved various problems of land, water and energy use. Mark Post, a Dutch researcher founded the same by various in-vitro cultivation methods at the University of Maastricht. Conventional meat production involved wastage of land, water and production of methane gases. The stem cells involved in cultivation of laboratory meat production produced hamburger that was quite tasty and acceptable by common people who tasted them. The cow muscle used to make the tasty outcome was grown at laboratory as well. This in-vitro fertilization is a substitute for the high quality protein and can effectively serve the growing world population.

Animal welfare issues can be readily handled by use of such artificially grown meat at the labs. The development of cultured meat is expecting to arouse interest among the commoners. However this project is estimated to take about 10 years so that such meat becomes commercially available in the market and used by people. The costs involved in the project were huge and was looked upon by Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google. If cost reduction is possible in this project then common people can get cow or beef burgers at reasonable prices in market.


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JIT Mukherjii
After completing his MBA in Financial Management, he decided to shift to writing and took it as his full time career. Being the Editor-in-chief of this web magazine, he has got diverse interest in the field of politics and business related matters.

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