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San Bruno fire continues to rage
A large explosion and fire has been witnessed in San Bruno area near the San Francisco airport. The San Bruno fire and the explosion started behind the Church. With passing time, flames are going out of control and fire crews from the neighboring cities and agencies were responding to bring the rage to control. The […]
Disaster Toll Rises As Japan Nuclear Plant Explodes
Bad luck seems to be not letting Japan to go away. A day after the massive earthquake and tsunami hit the northern part of the country, there was a massive explosion at the nuclear power station on Saturday. The explosion seemed to have destroyed a big building where the reactor was placed.
Mental Health Workers Can Help In Reduction Of Postnatal Depression
Postnatal depression is caused due to hormonal changes after pregnancy. During pregnancy the hormones estrogen and progesterone gets peaked up in a woman’s body. Within 24 hours of childbirth there is a rapid decline in the hormone level. It is believed that this sudden decrease is the reason behind postnatal depression.