BMW has been alleged for the payment of $650 crore duty evasion charges on account of its malpractices. This escalating value on this luxury brand charged was due to the fact that it has brought completely knocked down car units while paying the duty for semi knocked units. Therefore Central Board of excise and customs of Chennai office have decided to showcase 650 crores of exorbitant amount on this high end valued vehicle.
However a deep introspection is undertaken for the breach of law on account of which BMW car manufacturer will be penalized if found guilty. The duty charges of SKD (semi knocked units) and CKD (completely knocked down units) are dissimilar but company is alleged to have paid for completely knocked down units on import of semi knocked units. This scuffle has forced central board of excise and customs office to arbitrate in their functional domains and if the incident fount true then will serve them the prerequisite notice thereof. However on being contacted the spokesperson of the BMW India reciprocated that the process is under inspection and as when the formalities end in Chennai plant then only the truth will be revealed.