The NASA Spaceship “Discovery” finally completed its destiny after some spins above the skies of Washington DC. Discovery successfully completed the three laps around the Washington monument, the Capitol and above the White House. The historical ship was carefully bolted on the top of a specially designed jumbo jet and completed the final laps on Tuesday from Cape Canaveral. The spaceship made a final pass over the Cape Canaveral beaches then landed to the space center.
The take off and landing of the historical ship was accompanied by peals of cheers and applause from the folks, including journalists, tourists, VIPs and former shuttle workers, who had gathered along the nearby beaches and the old shuttle landing strip.
The NASA´s spaceship Discovery did a great job for the humanity and science including carrying the first Russian cosmonaut to launch on an US space shuttle, delivering the Hubble Space Telescope to orbit and so on. The ship was one of the dream project of NASA and has completed 39 successful mission in the last 27 years of service. NASA is now looking forward to building a new generation Spacecraft that can accommodate astronauts beyond the center´s 240 mile high orbit.