After having got hold of certain legal documents of the past government, the current government of Queensland has enough reasons to wonder how the technical giant IBM got away. Installation of a failed system does not speak very high of the company and yet the then government chose to opt for negotiation rather than a brutal sue that would have cost the company its reputation.
The negotiations initiated by the government might have emerged out of its own suppressed fears regarding scrutiny on the government’s own actions. The health Minister, Mr. Springborg questions the efficacy of the previous Government which might be put to test once they are asked to find sufficient evidences to prove that the actions where worthy of being sued. Even though it might have been delayed and negotiations are never enough to forget a bungle of multi-billion dollar, the likes of Springborg hopes for a redress.
The Queensland Nurses Union and many other communities are trying to balance hard between proving loyal to the government and inviting a general inquiry.