Studies of 20, 000 women have shown that the women who have consumed more of chicken in their teens had developed lower risks of having colorectal adenomas also commonly known as benign tumours that finally lead to colon cancer. So, all those teenage girls who are consuming more of chicken and fish right now are reducing their chances of getting colon cancer.
The colorectal adenomas can be avoided by 40% if one meal of the day has poultry or fish instead of red meat.Previous research have found out that red met increases the chancesof colon cancer, but of late that research has proven to be incorrect. There is no direct relationship between the consumption of red meat and occurrence of colon cancer in adulthood, but the chances of getting this form of cancer are much reduced if poultry or fish is consumed during the teenage. The risk of this form of cancer does not get decreased by consumption of poultry in adulthood.