
Mental Health Workers Can Help In Reduction Of Postnatal Depression

Postnatal depression is caused due to hormonal changes after pregnancy. During pregnancy the hormones estrogen and progesterone gets peaked up in a woman’s body. Within 24 hours of childbirth there is a rapid decline in the hormone level. It is believed that this sudden decrease is the reason behind postnatal depression. Of course there are certain other factors too that cause this depression. These include low thyroid levels, lack of proper rest, feeling overwhelmed by the new responsibility and so on.
The symptoms of postnatal depression are a feeling of restlessness, getting irritated quickly, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, crying, feeling drained of energy, withdrawal from people around us, headaches, hyperventilation, heart palpitation and so on. Hormonal or thyroid changes can be detected with the help of tests and medicines can be given. But changes in behavior need a different approach.
It is true that most women suffer from depression after having a baby. We generally call this the baby blues and it starts 3-4 days after child birth. All the symptoms of depression are there including mood swings, irritation, overreacting etc. but this usually stops within 2 weeks or so. Such women don’t need any treatment. But if the situation prolongs then you need to contact your doctor or a health visitor.motherhood
Trained health visitors are a big help during such periods. During bouts of depression talking and sharing helps a lot. At times we feel shy or embarrassed to display our feelings to family and friends. A trained therapist or counselor is better. They know what to expect and are qualified enough to give you sound advice.
The health visitors are trained to handle such cases with utmost care and concern. They are capable of assessing problems related to mental health. They know the importance of secrecy and trust between themselves and their patients.
There are few things the mothers can do themselves to help them fight depression. First and foremost is not to be frightened by the fact that they are suffering from postnatal depression. Many women have it and it will get resolved over a period of time. They themselves, along with their family, will be able to overcome this better if they know what the problem is. Try to eat regularly and get as much sleep as possible. Do the things that you used to enjoy doing. Join a mother’s support group. It helps to know that there are others who are facing the same problem.
Get help as soon as you can. Don’t let this overshadow the euphoria of motherhood. If you are depressed you won’t be able to look after yourself or the baby well. A mental health worker can prove very helpful in these times. Women often form strong bonds with their mental health workers which continue till the child starts going to school. They feel secure in the feeling that there is someone they can turn to and this greatly reduces postnatal depression.

Sandra Thompson
She has got five years experience in journalism, out of which two years is into writing of SEO web content. She is an expert in writing entertainment related matters and her favorite subjects are electronics, mobile technology and social media.

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