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Republicans And Democrats Meet To Solve The Fiscal Cliff

In a rare feeling of country comes first and then politics, Republicans and Democrat leaders met together with President Obama and decided and steps must be taken to avoid fiscal cliff as the deadline of December 31st approaches.

After the meet, two leaders each from Democrat and Republican side said that they will not do anything that will paralyze the economy and bring the financial markets to a near halt. In spite of this unity, there were some differences between the two on how the fiscal cliff can be avoided.

Obama wants to increase the tax limits of 2% of wealthiest Americans, but Republicans has objected to any raise in tax structure at any level. Republicans want limiting tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, rather making an increase in their tax rates. On the issue of cut in Government spending, Republicans said that they will oppose any cut in the healthcare sector.

Jeff Foster is a freelance writer and has done his graduation in Mathematics. He loves writing and reading about the recent events in the social media. He has been working as a freelance writer for the last four years. He has got special interest in politics of the Western world. He is a very special member of the News365Today’s Editorial team.

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